Private association of lay faithful.

The Samaritan Catholic Charismatic Community, was founded by Father Vicente Mancini.
He arrived in Venezuela from Italy and working without resting, built a community that lives by works of mercy with a group of lay people.
You can be part of this dream of God, helping those who need you.
Here we share some videos about his work and the website where you can find more info! (In Spanish)
Thank you very much for your interest in wanting to help our works for Children, the elderly, patients with HIV-AIDS.
We certainly have many needs such as: the protein requirement for ELDERS AND CHILDREN with HIV.
The proteins would be: Ensure, calcium and protinex caceinate and some other protein that you consider. We also need perishable food, household cleaning items, medicines... Adult diapers, soaps, shoes to be at home both for children and grandmothers, cereals and food supplements.
The Holos community helps this cause by sending donations of food, clothing and medicines so these people in a situation of great need can be favored.
Learn about our events and collections in which you can participate to help this cause: